Faith In The Future

Part of the proceeds from the Brooklyn Northside Basketball League is donated to a charity called Faith In The Future.

Faith In The Future is a non-profit organization that assists young people who, because of special circumstances, could not otherwise afford a Catholic high school education. We are currently assisting several students who without our help, would not be able to benefit from Catholic education. Faith In The Future was founded several years ago by Bill Dobranski, a New York City police officer who conducts drug prevention programs in city schools.

In our own small way, we try to help these young men and women grow into mature, responsible adults by providing them with the oppurtunity to attend a Catholic high school. We feel that a Catholic education can help provide the moral compass they will need to navigate in a world that has become increasingly difficult to do so in. We hope that by opening the door, these young men and women will hear the word of God and experience the love of Jesus. In this way, we have become our brother's keepers.

There are many ways that you can contribute to Faith In The Future. Many people support us by attending our fundraiser in November. Those who cannot attend can simply send a donation. Some send us a donation in lieu of a gift to someone. We have supporters who make a donation in memory of a deceased friend or relative. Others have offered to pay part of a student's tuition or help defray the cost of books and uniforms. In whatever way you choose your support is needed and greatly appreciated.

Donations can be sent to:

Faith In The Future
c/o Bill Dobranski
51 Sutton Street
Brooklyn, NY. 11222

(718) 389-5633

All contributions are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.